Home Remedies for Chronic Fissures

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Chronic anal fissures can cause recurring pain and discomfort, but various home remedies can help manage symptoms and promote healing.

Chronic anal fissures can cause severe pain and discomfort over time, but taking some extra care at home can help with the symptoms. These methods mainly focus on ensuring that the patient does not undergo stress, the area is kept calm, and the stool is soft to pass.

Dietary Adjustments

Fiber-Rich Foods: To ease bowel movements, eat more fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains to get 25-35 grams of fiber each day.

Hydration: Drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day keeps stools soft and makes them easy to pass.

Flax Seeds: Flax seeds help get rid of constipation. Two tablespoons of ground flax seeds can be added to cereals, salads, and smoothies.

Soothing Topical Treatments

Olive Oil: Drinking or using a tablespoon of olive oil each day can lubricate intestines for better stool movement. Equal parts of olive oil, honey, and beeswax mixed and applied to the painful area can also soothe while cooking.

Coconut Oil: Apply coconut oil on the sphincter a few times each day for instant relief.

Aloe Vera: Thaw symptoms and boost healing by applying undiluted aloe Vera gel to the affected area. The gel should have no additives.

Sitz Baths

Soaks in Warm Water: 2-3 times per day and for 10-20 minutes at a time, sit in warm water. This practice soothes the anal area and most particularly rhe sphincter muscle region, so that after pusing, you facilitate comfort and help in healing. You can do this in a bathtub while sitting in water or utilize specific sitz baths. Epsom salt should be added for extra healing and soothing effect.

Other Useful Recommendations

Stool Softeners: To relieve discomfort when pushing, over-the-counter stool softeners should be used.

Use gentle soaps: After every concluding pusing, it is best to clean the anal area with something very gentle like tissues soaked in water instead of applying some soap or using wipes that are severely clean.

Don’t Push Too Hard: Some fissures can grow deeper if one is careless and tries to push too hard.

Points That Matter

These alternatives conjunctively or individually can help, but are not radiant approaches. Remember to consult an anal fissures doctor first. If other symptoms occur such worsening of conditions, it would be best to consult too.
