Blue Nile Diamonds

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When you click on the tab "Diamonds", a drop-down window appears. We felt this was a little on the small side for so much information. Not a deal breaker by any means whatsoever, just a little small for our liking.

When you click on the tab "Diamonds", a drop-down window appears. We felt this was a little on the small side for so much information. Not a deal breaker by any means whatsoever, just a little small for our liking.

That being said, it is still extremely manageable. We liked that the first option was putting in a budget range. Extremely similar to JamesAllen. There is a slider scale to use of which you can also type your carat weight and slider scales for color and clarity. We also liked the fact that you can check a box that asks to filter for only diamonds with a 360 degree video or only diamonds from the Astor Diamonds | Blue Nile. We would prefer that ALL diamonds had the 360 interactive video as the likelihood of purchasing a diamond without any visual aid is highly unlikely.

Instead of eliminating all the non videoed diamonds, we left that filter off for the time being. What we got was astounding. A massive selection of diamonds was presented to us. In fact pages and pages to choose from. From there, you can do a dive into each diamond. Although the feel isn't as luxurious as JamesAllen , it is still very user friendly and easy to understand. From either the list generated or the individual diamond, you can add them to favorites or heart them. This will save them to a wishlist where you can later compare all side by side. We found this to be a very useful tool.

We tried the live chat feature and found it to be a bit different than the JamesAllen chat. This is being super picky, but we loved that JamesAllen chat knew what stone you were looking at while BlueNile, we had to tell them the SKU number so they could look it up.

If you aren't the most computer savvy individual, finding the SKU number may be a little difficult. For those interested, it is in the top left corner above the diamond image.

The service representative was very nice and we felt overall was giving us their honest advice. For instance, we purposely selected a diamond with brown TINGE to it. We asked if this was a positive or negative and the rep very gently told us that her customers primarily look for "colorless". She was nicely saying, "don't buy it"...extra points for that!

Back to shopping:

Upon making our final selection and deciding to checkout, we found the system to overall be very user friendly. You enter your billing details and then are taken to another screen with a plethora of options to pay. We could apply for a credit card, choose financing and more.

Once you finalize, you click it and in short order they ship it! Easy as pie:) You don't like it, return it, hassle free. Blue Nile prides themselves on being in the consumer's corner. Their #1 goal is customer satisfaction. Period, end of story. They will go above and beyond to make their clients happy.

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