rich fantasy realm of Gielinor. Cover Image


rich fantasy realm of Gielinor.

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Start date
08-07-22 - 10:46


End date
19-07-22 - 10:46

As time passed, my brother got his weed leaves cape, but not until I received my professional fire-making cape. Our friend has not made much progress on his wizardry, because I'm around 20 levels more advanced in the arcane arts than him. But that was just the start. We started playing mini-games, searching, working on global events...

It's not a stretch to say I'm addicted again, an addiction that only appears to be getting worse If I could hold Varrock right in my palm. RuneScape's claws dug into the most vulnerable parts of my brain and ignited the old passion that brought me enormous peace during one of the most anxious and stressful times in my life.

As I whirl off hours trawling through Falador and Draynor and Draynor, the peace of mind is well worth it. The RuneScape goblins who are engulfed with the power of fire sparked by Zamorak today, might be thinking about how simple it is to achieve the cape of fire-making, or wondering why fifteen years later, this is my first cape of skill I've ever earned.

The moment I received my first cape of skill after the last decade and half together with my brother and friend I was beaming. There's something deeply emotional about playing games like this again. Sometimes, it's a feeling of frustration in not being able to see the same thing with your childhood self. Sometimes it's a deep spiritual understanding of how a label shaped your childhood.

Sometimes, it transports you to a time where you were more novice player, and emphasizes how far you've come in life. With RuneScape It was bit both of the three. Should my younger self look at me today, he'd be remarkably proud. You grotworms aren't able to make me feel like a shadow.

Popular and long-running online video game franchise RuneScape is now available for tabletop gaming with two new games that will be launched later this year. Video game developer and publisher of RuneScape, Jagex, has collaborated with the powerhouse of tabletop gaming Steamforged Games to create both an online game and a tabletop playbook for the role-playing game, which is inspired by the rich fantasy realm of Gielinor.

Both games will make their debut in 2022, with the board game debuting in Kickstarter along with the TTRPG is set to hit stores. The games will be based on stories, characters, and locales from the RuneScape's lengthy history of 21 years, with the board game featuring up to five players through quest-based missions through Gielinor.