In less than 60 seconds, the rock will reappear Cover Image


In less than 60 seconds, the rock will reappear

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Start date
30-03-22 - 01:00


End date
31-03-22 - 06:00

Herblore, I consider, is a boring skill. For a little fun, this random event could raise your Herblore level, raise more skills and boost your economy. If you combine the 2nd ingredient you'll get a 1:150 (1:175 If you're wearing Amulets of Glorious) chance that it happens. It starts to bubble! It is then no longer a standard potion and is now an (b4) potion. This is Bubbling, 4 dosage. Like, for example, a bubbling antipoison.

It's up for the general public to decide on how much they'd make selling bubbling potions in the event that they're sold out each time there are 250 potions. There are lots of mining random events, but these are likely to be the ones you prefer! Particularly if your goal is to deposit money or sell ores. The first thing you do is give you more rock ores. If you are mining at a rock, when it's ore has been removed, it could collapse which will reveal five of three of the items.

In less than 60 seconds, the rock will reappear so you have to find the five items swiftly. You will get many more gems as well as more ores easily. Another random event could help you bank. When you've mined the ore, a Dwarf will come out of the rock ("Octagon Member") and ask if you'd like your ore sent by the bank. If you say no He'll give you a final chance, and then go away to another rock. If you accept you will be able to take all the minerals in your collection to the bank.

If you aren't paying attention, he will steal your pickaxe, toss it into a rock (breaking the rock) followed by kicking your shins ("You you ungrateful people! You don't pay any attention to us!") then throw a stone at you. The rock will hit another rock.

So these are positive random events that may help those around you, should you need them to. If an Octagon member is in a macro, they could lose their pickaxe and get punched in the shin!

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