What was your team's most cherished Cover Image


What was your team's most cherished

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Start date
06-11-21 - 09:52


End date
30-11-21 - 09:52

Where does all the money that is being spent originates? I'm not an expert in economics, but it seems to me that RuneScape is inherently subject to the effects of inflation. Due to the Grand Exchange the money that is that players spend goes to players. Money earned from other players can be used to purchase quests or monsters.

There is a way to address this issue through requiring players to contribute back to the games and to eliminate the existence of coins circulating. I'm not very knowledgeable about this Araxxor issue, but I believe a step in the right direction would be offering incentives to players to spend their money in such a manner that it doesn't go to another player.

As an inactive player I don't have an enough understanding of the game to propose some reasonable methods to accomplish this. There are still ways to dispose of the money that has been floating around since years, like the shops, sawmills and other. They have managed to maintain the rate of inflation from 2001 to 2009.

But there's no way to make it enough. Perhaps the shops' selections and prices should be adjusted so as to promote greater spending (like actual shops like real ones, lol). Perhaps the quantity of gold dropped by monsters needs to be reduced, as low as it is. I could be wrong however, it seems like things are worsening as the inflation rate is increasing exponentially. But, the rate for acquiring GP might not be.

What was your team's most cherished game-day achievement(s)? The goal should be one that that you are proud of once you have achieved it. It can be anything like achieving a level, a comp cape, killing a boss or a group thing or something else. My defense would be 99. Due to the importance of defense in tanking, it was on my list of things to buy for quite a while. I haven't had members since 2006 so I had to complete it in freeplay obviously, which was murder. I also got it during my inactive stretch of 2007-2013.

IF you want to buy it ,we have many products like this ,you can access https://www.rsgoldfast.com/