RuneScape - Do not even think of suggesting DGS Cover Image


RuneScape - Do not even think of suggesting DGS

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RuneScape - Do not even think of suggesting DGS لم ينشر أي منشور بعد.


تاريخ البدء
22-01-22 - 13:27


تاريخ الانتهاء
28-02-22 - 13:28

I'm seeing 110+ requirement and i can understand why, but my objective is to to key floors that are less than 20 feet and i'd like to master keying... So umm is there another way to find a place where i can properly key? or just wait 110 dunges and host floors 110+?

Do not even think of suggesting DGS, they're a terrible clan who aspires to be efficient yet is incredibly inefficient and hypocritical, all while trying to stop anyone who points this out by declaring their posts spam. Grimy Bunyip (one of their leaders) has stated that he thinks that Bu11seye00 must hack RuneScape since he is unable to imagine no other way in which Bu11seye00 would be able to get floors more quickly in comparison to what Grimy does (which average at well over 20 minutes). A number of members of DGS have also declared that they consider sub-18-minute massive games aren't possible despite evidence from video to the contrary.

I don't mean to burst your bubble But at 110+ there are as many people who can't dung as under 110. If you're looking to become better at keying, just keep doing it. Keying for randoms will reduce your floor time, but it also improves your keying.

If you're not used to having to count on your team more, yet are being able to effectively manage your team by having a competent team will be able to manage situations when your team makes mistakes because you'll be used to them.

Randoms also provides you with the chance to meet plenty of new people . It also allows you to get acquainted with those who are skilled at dung and who you can get along well with. After an amount of time, you'll have enough players who train dung to put together a team relatively easily, often with 1 or 2 randoms, sometimes with no.

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