There are other achievements as well Cover Image


There are other achievements as well

صورة مصغرة مخصصة 

إسقاط الصورة هنا أو تصفح لتحميل

إضافة جواب
إنشاء ألبوم
  • يشعر
  • يسافر
  • يشاهد
  • يلعب
  • يستمع إلى
  • السعادة
  • الحب
  • حزين
  • الحزن الشديد
  • غاضب
  • الحيرة
  • ساخن
  • الاحباط
  • مستغرب
  • الروعة
  • الضحك
  • التعب
  • محب
  • المنحة
  • الصدمة
  • النعاس
  • الجمال
  • الملل
تحميل الصور
جديد توليد الصورة
جديد إنشاء وظيفة
There are other achievements as well لم ينشر أي منشور بعد.


تاريخ البدء
22-01-22 - 08:56


تاريخ الانتهاء
31-01-22 - 08:56

The blessing was originally meant to be a substitute for a person taking things and returning them to you, not as a generic "nerf death" button. It has evolved into an item for a friend to help you out if you died. So heres the solution, there are three choices. Only take risks that you can afford, we hope to see a reduction in gear players who are overloaded in the workplace because there is the possibility that they may be ejected.

Boss with your friends - this was the way people used to go prior to graves, when they were looking to take lower risk. Boss with friends like you're currently doing, but realize that if the bless goes you will only be responsible for you as you am likely to eat random people's obese loot piles. This ridiculous debate is over.

When the old wilderness was in existence (this was a long time ago, I'm talking about), the PKing community in RuneScape was a good group of players. First thing we would do was ask "dm?" or "fight?" before we attacked another person. We wanted to ensure that they were prepared and we were able to have an enjoyable, fair fight.

Also, people actually dm’ed. Too many times in RuneScape these days, I will request someone "dm?" I will request the person "dm" to receive an answer to "sure" or "yes" and they will run to the bank within just a couple of minutes.

We also pinted each other's best accounts against one another, our mains. It was much more fun as the stats were well balanced. It was exciting to see melee beat range and mage beat mage and so on. This reduced the enjoyment of PKing because of the unbalanced pures.
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