Overcome Infertility Challenges with Compassionate Care at CT Nursing Home

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Dr. Akash Deshmukh, India’s leading infertility specialist. We CARE for every patient and their family. We believe in precise, ethical and affordable treatment for everybody. We believe in our experienced & dedicated team & hence we are confident of gaining your TRUST for our ser

We will assure you that your patient is at best of its comfort, physically as well as psychologically during the entire treatment at CT Nursing Home. We believe in building long-term relationships with our patients. We are the Best Gynecologist Hospital.

Dr Prashant Rajwade & Dr Akash Deshmukh are delighted to welcome you to this new care centre in our area.


Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse. This condition affects millions of couples worldwide and can stem from various factors, including hormonal imbalances, anatomical issues, and lifestyle choices. Both men and women can experience infertility, and it is essential to identify the underlying causes to determine the most effective treatment options.


IVF is one of the most common assisted reproductive technologies (ART) used at CT Nursing Home. The process involves several advanced steps:

  • Controlled Ovarian Stimulation: This technique uses hormonal medications to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs, increasing the chances of successful fertilization.


  • Oocyte Retrieval: Using ultrasound guidance, mature eggs are retrieved from the ovaries in a minimally invasive procedure.


  • Embryo Culture: Retrieved eggs are fertilized in the laboratory, and the resulting embryos are cultured under optimal conditions for several days before transfer.


  • Embryo Transfer: The best-quality embryos are selected and transferred into the uterus, maximizing the chances of implantation and pregnancy.


When to Consult an Infertility Specialist :

If you have been trying to conceive for over a year without success, it may be time to consult an infertility specialist. Additionally, consider seeking help if:

  • You have irregular menstrual cycles or no periods.

  • You have a history of pelvic inflammatory disease or sexually transmitted infections.

  • You are over the age of 35 and have been trying to conceive for six months or longer.

  • Your partner has a known fertility issue or a history of testicular problems.


The Infertility Treatment Process at CT Nursing Home :

  1. Initial Consultation: During your first visit, our infertility specialist will conduct a comprehensive evaluation, including a detailed medical history and physical examination.


  1. Diagnostic Testing: We may recommend various tests, such as blood tests to check hormone levels, ultrasound examinations to assess reproductive organs, and semen analysis for male partners.


  1. Treatment Plan Development: Based on the results of your evaluations, our specialists will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs.


  1. Ongoing Monitoring: Throughout your treatment, we provide continuous monitoring and support to track your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your plan.


  1. Emotional Support: We offer counselling services to help you cope with the emotional aspects of infertility. Our team is dedicated to providing a supportive environment where you can share your feelings and concerns.


If you are facing challenges with infertility, CT Nursing Home in Dhanori, Pune, is here to help. Our dedicated team of the best infertility specialists in Dhanori is committed to providing you with the highest quality care and support throughout your journey to parenthood. We believe that with the right treatment and support, every couple can achieve their dream of starting a family.


For more information or to schedule a consultation, please visit our website or contact our friendly staff. Your journey to parenthood begins here at CT Nursing Home, where we prioritize care and trust in every aspect of our service. 


Visit Here For More Info:   https://ctnursinghome.in/infertility.html



