When Do I Go to an Urgent Care Center?

Waiting at an emergency department may be exasperating when you want rapid medical attention. Due to overbooking or limited office hours, family doctors are not always available when care is needed. There are, thankfully, walk-in urgent care centers. Here's a rundown of when you should go to urgent care rather than the emergency room.

The fact that many go to the ER for non-emergencies contributes to the excessive wait times. A walk-in clinic is usually a better alternative if a patient requires treatment for a non-life-threatening disease. Any of the following might be one of them.


Cold or flu symptoms

Pediatric illness


Sinus pain

Coughing, sore throat, or respiratory problems

Work-related injury

Minor burns, bruises, scrapes, or lacerations


Stings and bites


Abdominal pain

Allergies, rashes, or hives

Using Urgent Care clinics instead of emergency rooms might save you a lot of money. An emergency room wait time might be hours, whereas an urgent care facility can see you within 5-15 minutes. You will not only save space in the emergency department, but you will also receive immediate personal treatment. X-rays, medication delivery and prescription, and laboratory ****s are examples of urgent care services.

Because of their expanded hours, walk-in clinics offer a convenient alternative to the emergency department. Furthermore, urgent care is affordable, and the majority of clinics accept most insurance types. For urgent and routine healthcare requirements, a**** the emergency department in favor of Urgent Care centers. Knowing the difference between a medical emergency & a health issue will save you a lot of time and trouble.

West Point Medical Center, the leading Urgent Care clinic in California, provides comprehensive medical care for the entire family. Our physicians and staff are equipped to care for patients of all ages, from toddlers to adults to the elderly.

We serve as a necessary link between the emergency room and your primary care physician. Our Fontana, Rancho Cucamonga, and San Bernardino locations will revolutionize your convenience. For further information, please visit www.westpointmedicalcenter.com or contact (909) 355-1296.


Urgent Care Fontana | West Point Medical Center

Urgent Care Fontana | West Point Medical Center

West Point Medical Center are providing urgent care services to residents and businesses of the Rancho Cucamonga, Fontana and surrounding communities.