In reality, the Lost Ark PVP is more of the "Guerilla Warfare" idea. Instead of one large game, it's best to create a series of smaller engagements, where players concentrate on a****ing engagement when they have their complete combination out, and only coming back in when the combo is again ready or a window of chance opens.

Lost Ark - Gunlancer Using their Big Pull Move A PNG of a stunning Move overlayed on TOp

Crowd Control at The Crowd Control in the Proving Grounds of Arkesia is massive. Knowing what kinds of CC are available within the game, and how every type operates and how they appear like could drastically alter the player's win-loss percentage. There are three distinct "types" of CC that can be found in Lost Ark: Stagger, Knock Up, and Stuns. Each has a distinct "Immunity" that players find in their Skill descriptions.A "Staggered" from their attack. Basic attacks usually result in Stagger.

Knock-Up (Push Immunity) Knock-Up (Push Immunity): This is evident visually, since it occurs when the participant is thrown up into the air or falls to the ground. Recovery Action: Recovery Action can be used when stuck in this CC.

Stun (Debuff immunity) Stun (Debuff Immunity) "Hardest" version of CC, Stun stops the player from moving, grants the player stars over their heads and blocks the player from using any of their powers. It is impossible to escape this instantly.

There are also three kinds of "Super Armor" in the game that use specific words to indicate which CC they block or are "immune" to. Paralysis Immunity does not consider Stagger and Push Immunity does not consider Knock-Up, and Debuff Immunity does not take into account all CC that are CC-related, including Stun.

Lost Ark - A Blurred Illustration Of The 21x9 Forced Aspect Ratio Using the Optional Options Menu overlayed on top

In the typical Lost Ark content where it's heavily PvE-focused, the argument between players who use their default resolution and those using the "forced" 21:9 aspect ratio isn't a lot of basis to base their arguments on. Many players aren't aware that the option is available. Sure, users can look more clearly across all directions due to the larger camera, however there's that annoying letterboxing at the top and bottom of the screen and the UI does not make use of this blank space in any way.

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