The amount of power generated at the point of impact relies on a number of factors. From a batting perspective these include bat swing speed, bat blade hardness and resistance that comes about through correctly distributing your body weight. If you maximize your potential in these areas you will greatly improve your timing. In order to achieve your maximum bat swing speed potential you need to maximizethe strength potential of the muscle groups used for swinging a bat. Different shot types use diferent muscle groups. To create resistance you need to be able to move your feet into the best position to maximize weight distribution.
The T4 Bat used regularly in net sesssions will help you maximize bat swing speeds and align body weight distribution so that you time the ball better and maximize power
Available in sizes SH, H and 6 – Bat Pick Up Options – High Grip = Hands High on the Handle – Low Grip = Hands Low on the Handle – Wide Grip = Hands Apart on the Handle