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Tai-Bwo Wannai's Cleaning Up

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Start date
30-12-21 - 07:00


End date
27-08-22 - 00:27

Tai-Bwo Wannai's Cleaning Up (Risky). The exotic Karamja continent there is Tai-Bwo wannai village which requires some tidying up. By helping villagers in this demanding task, players will get Trading Sticks which can be used as a currency for trading within the village. Be aware that at times you'll be sprayed by poisonous creatures and other creatures that live around the area.

The Gauntlet (Risky). The player enters a dungeon with any tools or equipment and must survive the Crystalline Hunllef at level 674 with the help of items can be found along the route. After completing the maze, the most brave of the adventurers might get rewarded with an inactive variant of Blade of Saeldor - the most powerful single-handed melee weapon to be found in the game.

Tithe Farm (Safe). As the name suggests, you will be farming in this one. It is located in Hosidius home where you can grow special seeds and manage them until harvest. Because it's one of the most effective ways to learn Farming you will meet several people.

Trouble Brewing (Safe). Two teams compete against one in the production of bottle of Rum. The players can develop various skills by completing activities essential to Rum production. Furthermore, there is NPC selling cosmetics items in exchange for points earned in the game.

Volcanic Mine (Risky). Underneath a Fossil Island you will find the Volcano which houses a number of precious ore. Players who posses over 50 Mining level and fulfill other requirements can attempt to mine the ores they want within a specified time. This is a fantastic way to earn money and a great method of advancing Mining ability. If you want to know more about can go https://www.rsgoldfast.com.