Constant measured 50mW 445nm blue dot laser alignment Cover Image


Constant measured 50mW 445nm blue dot laser alignment

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Constant measured 50mW 445nm blue dot laser alignment has not posted anything yet


Start date
18-05-23 - 12:00


End date
30-09-25 - 12:00

Different from any manual dot projecting work, the real use of 445nm blue dot laser alignment is just working for quite long time, and also having to work with stable and reliable dot indication. The advanced use of an import 445nm blue laser diode and thermal emitting system are configured into durable metal housing tube. It achieves good thermal emitting and highly stable dot indication in continuous use.
This blue laser module adopts durable anodized aluminum alloy housing tube, not effect by harsh occasion of moving or shocking, it enables highly reliable dot indication for a lot of occasions. According to work distance and lighting occasion, after correct use of output power and proper installation, it assures high precision and low cost dot alignment for all raw material processing works.
Applications: industrial precise dot alignment, laser show, laser displaying, military targeting and high tech etc.