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P2Pah Diablo IV:If you purchase legendary crests has not posted anything yet


Start date
11-04-23 - 12:00


End date
28-03-25 - 12:00

Legendary gems are upgradeable and the simplest way to achieve this is through using other gems of legendary status. A gem that has been upgraded in all aspects can later be further enhanced with a "gem resonance" method that requires -guess what -- more legendary gems, that is, up to five extra gems per gem slot.

If you're looking to boost your character -- and maximising your character is exactly what Diablo is about -- you need a ton of legendary gems. Find those that are right for your character, to earn high-quality star ratings, upgrade the gems you own, and eventually to slot in the additional resonance slots. It's endless.

Within Diablo Immortal's array of ways to upgrade, currencies and reward mechanisms, legendary gems are where the business model gets bitten most. Blizzard and NetEase aren't so crass as to sell directly using a loot boxes or gacha system, however, what they've made up is, somewhat, even more disturbing. Legendary gems can only be found in the bosses in the randomly-generated Elder Rift dungeons, and it is only possible to guarantee an infamous gem drop by applying an legendary crest modifier the dungeon prior starting it. If not, the drop rates for gems that are legendary are very low.

In the absence of spending money on the game, you can only earn one legendary crest every month, and even buying a battle pass will only give you only one or two other legendary crests per month. If you want to get more, you'll need to buy them in person. Legendary crests cost about $2-$3 each.

The sheer amount of gems you'll require to boost your character's gear given the extremely low drop rates for five-star gems, is one of the reason why the price of maxing out your character within Diablo Immortal has been estimated at between $50,000 and $100,000 or more depending on how deep you go into the system of gem resonance. (Rock Paper Shotgun offers an exhaustive breakdown of costs that puts it at the sensible end of this spectrum.)

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