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Lost Ark: How To Get Punika Powerpass

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Lost Ark: How To Get Punika Powerpass has not posted anything yet


Start date
25-08-22 - 11:52


End date
31-08-22 - 11:52

A different and significant feature of the update concerns the usage of Powerpasses. In the case of Punika Powerpass recently added and active, you can upgrade any character on your roster up to 1302 in a matter of minutes using the pass. There's a brand new safeguard that's being added to the update .

This will make the gold that is awarded when you use the purchase Powerpass is subject to a waiting time for it. A period of three days must be allowed to pass before you can access the gold you've earned. This is similar to other changes to shift gold earned to a bit further back in the story quest , and also other measures intended to fight against bots or alt accounts for early gold.

Lost Ark Update Gifts a new Jukebox Song, adds Waiting Period to Powerpass Gold, and Fixes issues
If you want to buy cheap Lost Ark Gold, please visit https://www.p2pah.com/lost-ark-gold.html