How to play the Sorceress : Advanced Class of Lost Ark? Cover Image


How to play the Sorceress : Advanced Class of Lost Ark?

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How to play the Sorceress : Advanced Class of Lost Ark? has not posted anything yet


Start date
06-06-22 - 00:10


End date
19-01-23 - 00:09

Lost Ark players who notice lower success in upgrading their items around level 1,350 can feel better when they've reached level 1,370, as it becomes much easier to upgrade equipment using different resources that aren't available at this item level. Asmongold has pointed out this can lead to an "rich become more richer" situation in which players with higher item levels are able to upgrade gear faster and generate more resources by using items which "make your Lost Ark characters more powerful." While Asmongold acknowledged the handful of players who are able to get to 1,370 and Lost Ark raids, without having to spend the money needed to get there He also believes that it is a ridiculous amount of time to hit such an impressive level of items.

Asmongold is one of the Twitch streamers who have referred to Lost Ark a pay-to-win game since its Western release. He believes that paying to upgrade item level is essentially a way to win and he's said that certain Lost Ark players feel it's important to pay money to upgrade their equipment. According to the popular Twitch streamer the pay-to-win element is more evident in the requirements that come with The Argos Abyssal Raid. This is why it's been an issue with the game for certain players. Because Smilegate launched the Argos raid with Lost Ark's March patch, the developer may be looking at fan feedback such as Asmongold's to better balance the content with a future update.