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Bird was adept at three-point-shooting

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Bird was adept at three-point-shooting has not posted anything yet


Start date
04-05-22 - 03:00


End date
07-04-23 - 00:07

Popularly known as the Hick of French Lick", Bird is only the one player who has ever been the only player in NBA History to be named Rookie of the Year as well as Most Valuable athlete, NBA Finals MVP, All-Star MVP as well as Coach of the Year, as well as executive of the year. This demonstrates his ability to stay on top of the game and, more importantly, how he adapted to the ever-changing environment of the NBA regardless of his function.

Bird was adept at three-point-shooting, while he's also remembered as an excellent passer, with his agility making him a strong team defender, too. The evidence is in his stats during games, including a 98 Three Point Shot, 94 Pass Accuracy , and the Help Defense IQ of 97 contributing to a total score of 98.

Tim Duncan was part of the famous San Antonio Spurs side that included Manu Ginobli and Tony Parker. The Power Forward was not for being as spectacular as other players at his position. However, his performance earned him the name 'The Big Fundamental'.

Duncan was a dominant player in the court, earning his reputation as a clutch player, as shown by his three NBA Finals MVP awards. He did more often than not save his best game for the play-offs . Moreover, his playoff stats were always more than during the regular season.If you want to know more about NBA 2K22 MT product information can go to