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How do you unlock your practice drills in the early hours

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How do you unlock your practice drills in the early hours has not posted anything yet


Start date
25-03-22 - 09:00


End date
26-03-22 - 00:10

This is where the Practice Facility begins to open to you once you have the option to select your own drills. This typically happens after having played ten MyCareer games without having to replicate. This is an essential action that you should not bypass, especially early on in MyCareer as it assists you to unlock badges as quick as you can.

Once the drills have been unlocked then you'll be able pick from a variety of drills that give you the best chance of rack up badge upgrade points quicker. For the practice area of the NBA 2K22 Facility it is important to note that not all drills are created equal and some are more difficult than others. This is a list of the most straightforward drills you can benefit from in the MyCareer Practice Facility.

This drill is among the easiest exercises to earn all points in NBA 2K22. The player needs to make as many three-pointers as he can from the side in less than two minutes to earn full points for this drill. Five attempts will earn you two stars, whereas ten makes will give you the highest number of stars required for this drill.

It is highly recommended to be wearing your Sharpshooter three-point specialist badges in order to have an increased chance of doing well in this exercise. This is a typical catch-and-shoot exercise to help your player improve their shooting skills and endurance within NBA 2K22.If you want to know more about NBA 2K22 MT product information can go to