RuneScape - If you're like me and prefer grinding melee Cover Image


RuneScape - If you're like me and prefer grinding melee

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RuneScape - If you're like me and prefer grinding melee has not posted anything yet


Start date
24-02-22 - 12:00


End date
31-03-22 - 12:00

I was thinking of buying a Dragon platebody to improve my defence or a DFS, for Defence and a str bonus. What do you think I should choose, and why? There are 99 pros and a steel Dragon in my dungeon, so I could charge the shield. If you're going to fight, you don't need def.

Just pray: Prossy pl8 and legs for prayer bonus, and pray to shield yourself from melee/(mage/range depending on the situation). In the end, you'll be able to get fury or even glory. Fury is best if don't have the money to spend 9m for an amulet. Fury offers very good defence statistics in comparison to an ammy.. Alongside better statistics than glory.. Many sals claim that fury is an absolute must but glory is equally good.

Dragon Defender over dfs because of atk bonuses. As u are low on cash expl ring zerker since the prayer bonus cuts down the number of ppots utilized.. And the emergency free run, teles and ability to alch crap the game gives you is good.

If you're like me and prefer grinding melee: Torags plates, Torags legs. These two items together cost 800k-1m.. Reduce to 0 in 15 hrs.. Together they cost 170k, iirc.. Imagine that you're buying Dplate.. Do you know that d plate costs roughly 9 million? Torags provide 2 times more defense (Iirc, its the best protection armour for gamers).. The best part? Its frikkin ****y!

If you use 9m on repairing your torags can use them both to get an overall total of 843.75 hours. (more than enough time to max melee , and the max slayer). )... Thats practically the best shizzle you can receive.. It costs less if you use an armour stand in your home. I don't see why not to use these.

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