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Check out the daily DraftKings has not posted anything yet


Start date
25-01-22 - 11:30


End date
31-01-22 - 11:30

It's admittedly an odd choice if this was the combo since it's as if the two of them were just on the cover a short time before. It's a good thing, as they went toe to toe in the Super Bowl last year.

EA Job Listing: Madden Could Be Coming To A Switch

Madden NFL was once a regular feature on Nintendo platforms. It's been more than a decade since the release of Madden NFL 13 on Wii U. EA previously stated that they would not be the game being released on the Switch in the year 2018. However recent job listings indicated that Madden might be coming to Switch.

Doctre81 on YouTube found the job listing "Online Software Engineer (C++ ) - Madden" earlier in November 2020. For the requirements of the job one section requires 2 years of working experience on "Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo game consoles". That may seem like a lot however, prior EA jobs listings didn't include Nintendo within their selection criteria.

EA might be considering the possibility of releasing. It's important to remember that in June 2020, EA confirmed it would launch seven Switch games within the 12-month time frame. We have six confirmed games as of June 2020. These include Apex Legends which was announced earlier this week.

There's still one to go, but given the Madden's release schedule each year, EA could potentially be waiting until the release of Madden NFL 22 release - as in contrast to a Madden NFL 21 port - given that they normally release in August. Or, let's hope it isn't another legacy edition, shall we?
If you want to know more about Madden 22 coins, you can visit