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The first batch made up of Bo Knows Legends players

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The first batch made up of Bo Knows Legends players has not posted anything yet


Start date
25-01-22 - 03:00


End date
28-01-22 - 07:00

The new Madden 22 Bo Knows Legends cards are part of the Bo Knows promotion that began earlier in the month. The Bo Knows promotion honors the double-sports legend, Bo Jackson, with a new digital cover for the game, as well as different features. The game comes with Ultimate Team, that's included several upgraded cards to Bo who, as most gamers are aware, has a deep knowledge of football.

The first batch made up of Bo Knows Legends players arrived this week. It included Dan Dierdorff, Iverson Walls, Charle Young, and Bruce Smith. Each player received an Power Up item, 85 OVR and 94 OVR cards in the game. The same is expected for those in the next group.

The brand-new Legends products are scheduled to launch with Ultimate Team on Monday, November 29th as part of the promotion. Other recent promotions set to debut in Madden have included a Thanksgiving-themed promotion that includes Blitz as well as Team of the Week which will be available weekly.

Every month, the Madden 22 Title Update is on its way and Version 2.04 will deliver a new wave of improvements to the game. We've got all the information we can concerning Madden 22 Title Update 2.04 and when it's expected to arrive on all platforms.

It's now a standard practice since the past few years to expect EA to publish a monthly Madden 22 Title Update, and they've stuck with at least that frequency this year as well. In the meantime, the Madden 22: December 22th Title Update approaching and we've received confirmation of when it's due to arrive on the la**** Good Morning Madden.

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