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If you are able to complete the various obstacles has not posted anything yet


Start date
10-01-22 - 10:48


End date
31-01-22 - 10:48

Achievement diaries are split into four categories , based on the level of difficulty: easy, medium, hard, elite. The first ones are usually quite easy and don't usually require much time or effort. They also do not require skills above level 40. Medium tasks are often time equally simple, even when they require capabilities to reach Level 65. As the title suggests, are more demanding and require specific skills to be around level 75.

Elite tasks are only for endgame players , as they can need a minimum of level 90 for some of the skills. Even though the completion of elite tasks typically takes time and could require certain levels in various areas They also reward players with the finest rewards. By completing every Achievement Diaries, players gain access to Cyan trim for Quest Point Cape and can purchase an exclusive Achievement Diary Cape.

The Cape is obtained using Achievement Diary Hood from Twiggy O'Korn located in Draynor Village which is located to the south of bank. He offers it for sale for 99k GP exclusively to players who have completed all Diaries completed. It is, without fact, one of the most difficult items to acquire in the game , as it requires not just excellent skill levels but also the achievement of various tasks that often involve elaborate quests.

Achievement Diary Cape is cut after completion of every quest, making the reduced version harder to get. Much like Quest Point Cape, this item will lose its trim as a new quest is brought out. It is only trimmed when all quests within the game are completed. Thus, every new assignment must be completed.

The untrimmed and trimmed models of this cape provide an added bonus of 9 to every defensive stat, as well as +4 bonus to Prayer ability, making it best in slot untrimmed capes for Prayer. Achievement Diary Cape also has 10-day teleports to each Achievement Diary Master, which makes it a perfect to transport items.

However, some of the achievements occur in Draynor Village, Varrock, Lumbridge and other free to play places, Achievement Diaries are not accessible to non-members. Even if you do the right thing, it will not give the respective rewards to the player who is f2p. Even though there are several rumors that Jagex will be launching new Diaries specifically for free players, there is no evidence from Jagex.

If you are able to complete the various obstacles in any of the areas will receive numerous items and advantages. In the event that you finish each of these Diaries could lead to unlocking new areas, additional access points, special cloaks or even experience lamps which can be used to develop the skills of the player. You can find most notable of the rewards available in this type of activity below.

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