It is possible to ramp the farming process quickly in lower levels Cover Image


It is possible to ramp the farming process quickly in lower levels

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It is possible to ramp the farming process quickly in lower levels has not posted anything yet


Start date
06-01-22 - 04:00


End date
27-01-23 - 00:14

It is possible to ramp the farming process quickly in lower levels with bags of plants. For this, you have to live in Rimmington. Take 3 watering containers filled with water, a sack of coins and as many of the plants you want.

Find the wooden house near your POH portal and unnote them by speaking to an NPC. Once you have done that, just go to your house or plant, drink water, and remove them. You can then return to refill with water (east at the bottom of your well) and denote additional plants. Repeat the process as long as you want but keep in mind that this method can be very expensive and should be employed only at lower levels.

For the beginning of your career as a farmer, you'll need to set up your equipment as per what you would like to cultivate. The most important items are spade, rake, saplings, and ultracompost in the same amount as saplings. You also need a farmer's costume (if not locked) and grace attire (if unlocked), axe, coins ranes for teleports. If you intend to work on herb patches , you'll also need secateurs.

In order to begin farming, you should complete Fairy Tale Part 1 quest which is very easy and is not too long. It won't only take you from your first level up to 17th but also will provide you with magic secateurs which are very helpful in training in farming. If you want to know more about can go