Abu Bakar Siddik Is A Successful Digital Marketer, Entrepreneur In Bangladesh

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A young entrepreneur and social media in fluencer Abu Bakar Siddik breaks all th e odds to be a social media sensation and has made it big in the digital marketing s pace.

A young entrepreneur and social media in fluencer Abu Bakar Siddik breaks all th e odds to be a social media sensation and has made it big in the digital marketing s pace. Abu Bakar  started his journey with not hing but happens to be at the top currentl y in the digital content creator and digital marketing space.


Abu Bakar Siddik , a small-town boy fr om Barisal , came to Dhaka with a big dream and idea of being a renowned nam e in the digital marketing world. Today, h e is one of the resourceful entrepreneurs i n his field. Having taken up a number of p rojects, proving himself just under the ag e of 18, Abu Bakar  has made his way to the g oal with his tremendous content generati on and digital knowledge. In a very short period, Abu Bakar  has worked Digital Market ing with many famous personalities such as Tasnova Hoque Elvin, who was a partic ipant in Lux Channel I Superstar, Marjia Mimi who was a participant in Banglalink Next Tuber and Oyshee as well as Haiman ti Rakshit Das, who are both famed singer 5. Also, he worked well with foreign famo us singer DJ Besho, Hojat Rahimi, Vahdat Rahimi on an international platforms. Hi s list of collaborations is long.


Doing his Diploma in information technol ogy at SEGI University, Malaysia, he came to know how modern the world is full of d igital media and in the increasing popular ity of social media he realized, he has a ke en interest in information technology an d he is managing many celebrity pages an d even various public figures. He has also provided technical support to many celeb rities, actors and actresses. There are so many things he has covered in this field li ke advertising things through Google Ads ense and also Been a savior for many cele brities for recovering their hacked pages and has provided technical support to the

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