In Barrows where the prices on average Cover Image


In Barrows where the prices on average

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Start date
19-02-22 - 10:06


End date
28-02-22 - 10:06

If you're in the market for food Go to World 1 in which people are power fishing and offer free salmon or trout. Magic: Study the magic dumbies until it prevents you from doing so. Then you will have the magic level needed for some curses. Cast these curse spells on the Zamorak monk inside Varrock Castle. Varrock Castle, directly behind the stairs.

After you've reached the magic level ( I believe it is 25) use Curse against the Zamorak monk. Once you've reached that level, you can also superheat (really quick xp and break even if you make the steel bar) also high alch. Leave prayer alone, maintain your target at 40 (45 if you get the two-hour gravite).

The glacors drop three sets of expensive boots. I'm assuming they're 8M,15M and 22M. They are dropped in the average (from what I'm told I'm not sure - confirm my assertions if I'm off) approximately every 500 to 1000 kills. Glacors are not the quickest things to eliminate (albeit they're not the slowest at all).

Lets say, then, Glacors fall by about. 15 million each time they kill 500. I say 500 because there are other drops (notably shreds) and this can help to account for such drops.

Barrows items are dropped at an average of 1:15 iirc. The range of items is from 50K to 1.7M at present. Many of the items are near 1M and under, few are above 1M. This means 1M is 15 runs - this accounts for runes and such as well. Barrows is a very low cost option and you'll get many runes of death or blood extra if you're using Polypore (which you must).

Yes, you can make more money by using Glacors. However, there are a couple of disadvantages. Glacors are at a higher chance of death. Actually, it's not all that difficult to remain alive However, Barrows appears to be an oaf in that department. tongue.png If you do not have luck, you're probably not making money.

In Barrows where the prices on average might be priced at 700k/piece or more, you're also earning quite a amount of money through runes. My last barrows streak, I made 6M in barrows equipment. Then I checked my runes, and osrs inferno service there were 2.5M. So you are constantly making money, whereas with Glacors it's extremely difficult to make money until you can get an unlucky boot drop or shards to make an Armadyl Battlestaff.

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