If I'm not mistaken I ran into their All-Pro linebacker Cover Image


If I'm not mistaken I ran into their All-Pro linebacker


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If I'm not mistaken I ran into their All-Pro linebacker 尚未发布任何内容


26-01-22 - 03:00


27-08-22 - 00:11

If you think back on your career, what's one move you've made that feel could've come out of playing video games?

The one that nobody talks about, except for Denver Broncos fans is when we visited Denver and I ran through their defense like hot knives through butter. I'm not bragging, but it's just the reality of the size that I was at the time and how low I had to be in college how to reach behind my pads. So, you'd never catch me upright running in the event that I had someone five or 6 yards behind me trying to catch me. When I was on the road, in thick of things it took me only one time to realize that not running on your pads is harmful to your health. I'm not able to remember the name of the guy but it was a linebacker of the Cardinals when they were in Phoenix. He blew me up. He punched me in the 6or 7-yard line. He fell me down on the 2. He helped me up and said, "Hey, Bo I'm looking at you, Bo. You have to help me pay my bill. You'll need to work harder. I'm looking at him like, 'You got lost in your own mind. I'm not going to run into that hole any more.' The next play, I bounced it outside and used my speed.

Editor's note: During the fourth quarter of a match of the Raiders in the playoffs against the Broncos during the week of Dec. 2 1990, Jackson recorded a 62-yard rush touchdown, breaking five tackles on his way to the goal line. Jackson finished the day by rushing 13 times for 117 yards and two scores.

In that game [Denver] when I was able to get past my line of players I jumped over an opponent's linebacker and then another. If I'm not mistaken I ran into their All-Pro linebacker, [Karl] Mecklenburg who sprinted past the defensive back to his goal line. That's one thing that stands out for me because I was required to making someone miss, to jump down, to get low and run for 60 yards to score a touchdown. If you want to know more about products can go https://www.mmoexp.com/Nfl-22/Coins.html