Does NBA 2k22 available on Nintendo Switch worth it? Cover Image


Does NBA 2k22 available on Nintendo Switch worth it?


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Does NBA 2k22 available on Nintendo Switch worth it? 尚未发布任何内容


18-01-22 - 00:34


28-01-23 - 00:19

Does NBA 2k22 available on Nintendo Switch worth it? Nintendo Switch worth it?

MANILA - A large portion of my teenage years was played with basketball 2k13 using the Wii during the week, scheming my way around the game's goal of getting me fit by wiggles of my wrist to shoot when I was sitting on the couch. This was also the first time I played using MyCareer mode. MyCareer mode, where I created a perimeter-oriented point guard of my own to play for Chicago Bulls. Chicago Bulls.

Since then, my encounter with the 2k franchise has been based on hearsay about the steady improvement of the graphics (and occasionally, a visit to the PS4 console arcade prior to the pandemic). It's still the most popular NBA game to date however, last year's game was met with a number from negative feedback on Metacritic from players.Recent patch notes have been designed to improve the game's performance across all platforms, however there are some things that haven't been noticed. Players have begun exploiting games' Post Hook stat, with the viral TikTok going to the most extreme, in a manner that is sure to be sure to make Peter Griffin proud.

A 2K22 TikTok on 10 October has gone viral with footage of a player consistently draining hook shots from deep, basically taking the "Post" out of the Post Hook. It appears that every time a user can perform it in the clip, they have the Posterizer badge in use. Only one exception is the very first time a shot was taken.

While it's unclear which kind particular Center or Power Forward build the player is employing to help these shots to land It's likely to involve the commonly overlooked Post Hook stat in some way. We've seen this sort of ploy only once before in a breathtaking and memorable clash between two basketball legends on Family Guy. More NBA 2K products in