國內COVID-19本土確診病例屢創新高,各縣市地方政府也啟動「輕症居家照護」措施,盼能保存防疫與醫療量能。為避免民眾得知陽性時手忙腳亂,《中華民國護理師護士公會全威而剛種類國聯合會》特別製作了4張懶人包圖卡,詳記居家照護期間的必備生活用品、房間環境清潔消毒、垃圾處理及衣物清洗、確診同住家人或照顧者注意事項,提供給大家。因應本土疫情升溫、確診病例數及居家照護人數快速增加,《中華民國護理師護士公會全國聯合會》依據疾病管制署居家照護指引,製作了4張防疫懶人包圖卡,列出居家照護期間的注意事項,希望能幫助大家在防疫自主應變上能更順利。居家照護前6大必備生活用品▋日常生活用品、飲食:盥洗衣物、個人清潔用品、衛生紙等或個人打網路買威而剛發時間用品及備妥三餐飲食規劃。▋電子用品:手機、電話、電腦、網路、視訊及充電相關配備。▋環境清潔用具:清潔劑、漂白水和75%酒精、抹布、垃圾袋等。▋醫療用品:口罩、體溫計、乾洗手液、血氧機(如家中有)等。▋常規服用藥物:慢性病藥物及退燒、止咳、止痛等症狀緩解藥物。▋特殊對外聯絡資訊:同住家人以外之緊急聯絡人、地方政府關懷中心或衛生單位窗口等。圖/居家照護前準備懶人包。取自中華民國護理師護士公會全國聯合會 延伸閱讀 圖解/一周內啟動確診居家照護,這6項常備藥品你準備好了嗎? 居家照護環境安排5大注意事項▋定時清潔消毒:定時清潔消毒房內經常接觸的位置(門把、桌面、電燈開關等)。▋廁所衛浴清消:廁所衛浴每日清潔消毒一次,共同浴廁每次使用後都要消毒。▋動線重疊、共用空間或物品清消:可能與確診者動線重疊或共用空間或物品進行清潔消毒。▋保持房間通風:保持房間通風,如開窗、使用空氣清淨機或電扇(電扇需往房內或戶外吹)。▋以稀釋漂白水消毒:一般環境請以當日泡製的漂白水消毒家具、房間、廚房,請用1:50稀釋漂白水(1,000ppm);浴室或馬桶表面採1:10稀釋漂白水(5,000ppm)。圖/確診者居家照護環境安排懶人包。取自中華民國護理師護士公會全國聯合會 延伸閱讀 兒童確診後3大觀察:活動力、哮吼、熱痙攣,居家照護遇這狀況速送醫 居家照護垃圾處理及衣物清洗6步驟▋選擇有蓋垃圾桶:垃圾置入有蓋垃圾桶,無須分類。▋小心尖銳物品:尖銳物品應先以報紙包封以防刺傷人。▋垃圾雙層密封:垃圾提出前以雙層垃圾袋包裝,袋口確實密封。▋建議淨置72小時:垃圾建議先淨置72小時候後交由地方環保單位處理。▋衣物與家人分開清洗:衣服、毛巾、浴巾等,應與其他同住非確診家人分開清洗。▋衣物徹底曬/晾乾、烘乾:衣物與毛巾等需徹底曬/晾乾或使用烘衣機烘乾。圖/確診居家照護垃圾處理及衣物清洗懶人包。取自中華民國護理師護士公會全國聯合會 延伸閱讀 圖解/居家照護5步驟完成領藥!「兩大管道」1800家藥局可送藥到府 居家照護同住家人或照顧者5大注意事項提供確診家人生活所需,提醒他們多休息與飲水,依醫囑服藥或發燒服用退燒藥劑,協助注意確診家人症輝瑞威而鋼購買狀變化:▋非緊急狀況不接觸確診家人:除因緊急狀況或有照顧需求,不可接觸確診家人,特別是65歲以上老人、孕婦、幼兒等免疫力低下或有潛在疾病者。▋共用空間注意:不得已需與確診家人共用空間,應開窗確保空氣流通,且雙方全程配戴醫用口罩,並於事後進行清潔消毒。▋有配戴手套仍應洗手:緊急需求必須進入確診者房間時,雙方均須全程配戴醫用口罩,即使有配戴手套,執行前後使用肥皂濕洗手或酒精乾洗手。▋餐具應以洗潔劑清洗:確診者使用過後的餐具應以洗潔劑清洗,清洗時戴手套,並於清洗完畢後肥皂濕洗手或使用酒精乾洗手。▋注意自身的健康狀況:照顧者在照護期間,要注意自身的健康狀況,監測是否出現發燒、咳嗽、呼吸急促等COVID-19感染相關症狀。圖/確診居家照護同住家人或照顧者注意事項懶人包。取自中華民國護理師護士公會全國聯合會

Childhood Trauma and Addiction

There is hope for individuals suffering from childhood trauma and addiction. Treatment options, mechanisms of action, and prevention can all be found in this article.


It is important to seek the help of a professional if you are feeling desperate. If you believe you are suffering from childhood trauma, you can talk with a professional who has the tools to help you get over your trauma. Early intervention is a key element to a****ing this problem in the future.

Treatment options
Childhood trauma and addiction can lead to a dangerous cycle of substance abuse. Addiction destroys relationships, opportunities, and lives. Treatment options vary and are available for those affected by childhood trauma. Treatment options for childhood trauma and addiction can help you recover from the damage that childhood trauma has caused. You may be able to overcome your addiction by working with a licensed mental health professional to find a treatment that works for your unique needs.

Art therapy is one of the most common forms of therapy for trauma. Using a variety of art mediums, including drawing, painting, collage, and sculpture, the therapy helps clients cope with the past and develop positive self-esteem. These sessions usually last 12 to 15 weeks and can help patients build emotional resilience. The benefits of art therapy extend beyond addiction. Childhood trauma can have long-term effects on a person's development, and it can affect their relationships and self-esteem.

Mechanisms of action
Researchers have identified a link between childhood trauma and the development of addiction by looking at changes in brain structure. These changes in the brain may be the result of changes in the human stress response. Childhood trauma may also alter the way the brain handles emotional and physical stress, which can lead to addiction. Childhood emotional loss also provides the experiential template for addiction. To better understand the relationship between childhood trauma and addiction, we need to understand the mechanisms by which early trauma can affect brain development.

Researchers have found that the absence of the mother during the first few months of development results in abnormal brain development. In rat pups that were separated from their mother for an hour each day, they grew up to be more eager to abuse cocaine. Interestingly, this doesn't require extreme deprivation in order for a child to become addicted to cocaine. In fact, the amount of consistent parental contact during a child's development plays a critical role in determining the risk of developing a drug addiction.

According to a new study, there is an association between childhood trauma and mental illness. This relationship has been deemed strong enough to warrant further research. This study suggests that childhood trauma plays a role in many forms of physical and mental illness. Therefore, preventing these adverse childhood experiences may be of great benefit to children and their families. Here are some ways to minimize the impact of childhood trauma. To begin, be aware of the signs of trauma.

Addiction and other forms of self-medication are often the result of childhood trauma. Addiction is an unnatural remedy for a self-imposed trauma, so attempting to eliminate it will only leave the individual with more pain than they had originally. Addictions can also develop due to repetitive behaviors that help individuals with autism process the world outside. This can lead to an increase in compulsive behaviors, including substance abuse.

Early intervention
The connection between childhood trauma and addiction is well-documented. The rate of depression in individuals who have experienced traumatic childhood experiences is higher than in the general population. This association is further strengthened by the fact that victims of trauma have higher rates of heart disease, ****ually transmitted diseases, and domestic violence. In fact, 75 percent of substance abusers and 97 percent of women with mental illness report histories of severe physical abuse. In addition, an estimated 12 to 34 percent of people exposed to traumatic events develop PTSD. Both men and women report higher rates of exposure to trauma and develop the disorder.

Treatment for substance abuse is a challenging task for people suffering from childhood trauma. Behavioral rehabs offer patients the opportunity to work with a mental health expert to address underlying causes and sustaining factors of their addiction. Behavioral rehab combines group and individual counseling with supplemental therapies, such as dialectical behavior therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing. While undergoing behavioral rehab, patients may also be given the opportunity to continue their rehabilitation programs.


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